how do i project my macbook pro to a projector
If you've ever tried to project your Macbook Pro to a projector, here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.
1. Connect the projector's VGA port to the Macbook Pro's Thunderbolt Port
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2. Open System Preferences 3. Turn on "Displays" and select "Connected Projector" 4. Launch Screen Sharing from Finder 5. When prompted for username and password, type in: username: guest password: anypassword 6. Start streaming!
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Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Natural Ways To Cure Writer's Block". Write about your own experiences of writer's block and what methods you used to overcome it. Could be useful for students.
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Title: Natural Ways To Cure Writer's Block
This article will talk about different ways to overcome writer's block.
Body: First is a list of tips that should help anyone in their journey to overcome writer's block. Second is a story of how I overcame my own writer's block.
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1. Relax Take a break from writing, even if it's just for 15 minutes. This will help clear your mind and allow you to see what exactly is causing your writer's block.
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Do something completely unrelated to writing for 30-60 minutes. If this fails, step away from the computer for up to 24 hours.
1a. When you re-read your work with a fresh perspective, you can identify the problem areas and fix them easily
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1b. Sometimes not working on an essay can make the writer feel more motivated once they start again 1c. Walk away from the computer; do something else
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1d. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a different time and place 1e. Make the goal to be completely free of writer's block at the end of this process
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2. Work on Every sentence you write should be an improvement over your previous sentence or paragraph.
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You don't get a point for every word that you write When you finish a paragraph, type in: "Completed", or something like that to signify completion, then move on to the next paragraph When it's time to start again, copy and paste one another sentence from the previous paragraph into your new work.
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This will help you tweak the sentence to make it better than the previous one Don't save a paragraph until every sentence is in place and that you're happy with it
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2a. The key to this is to start small and simple; don't worry about perfect writing, just getting each sentence right.
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2b. Try not to write the first draft on your computer; it's bad for your fingers if you do that. Write the first draft on paper when you have time, then copy and paste into your work 2c. Find a partner for this
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3. Be productive 3a. Write two sentences per paragraph, not one - try to do this and break up the paragraphs as much as possible 3b.
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Make yourself a system for each paragraph; some people use tags, but it's better if you have your own system so that you don't forget anything
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3c. Use a timer to keep yourself from straying off track
4. Use Photos 5.
Don't stop writing until you get at least 20 paragraphs complete - just work on
getting those down before trying something else
6. Spend time thinking about the problem and how to solve it; this will
help with writer's block by forcing you out of your comfort zone projector
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